Growing Herbs for Chickens -- Cilantro!

Growing Herbs for Chickens -- Cilantro!

Chicken feed isn't cheep! Luckily, there are some ways that you can reduce your bagged chicken feed bill.

Do you want to provide your chickens with the freshest, most nutritious food possible? Look no further than your own backyard! 

Cilantro, a delicious and versatile herb, can be easily grown to feed your feathered friends. Not only will your chickens love the taste, but you'll also save money and have the satisfaction of knowing exactly what they're eating. 

In this article, we'll dive into the ins and outs of growing cilantro for your flock, from the benefits of this herb to useful tips and tricks. So grab your gardening gloves and get ready to learn put a dent in your chicken feed bill by growing herbs for them! 

Why Feed Cilantro to Chickens

Chickens LOVE eating cilantro. It's a great source of vitamins A, C, and K. This herb can strengthen a chicken's immune system and can help aid bone support. Cilantro is a great source of antioxidants, and the seeds have anti-parasitic properties.

The seeds also have anti-parasitic properties. Due to its remarkable ability to remove these pathogens from the digestive tract, cilantro is one of the best herbs to feed laying hens and baby chicks.

The best reason to feed Cilantro to your chickens? They love it. Chickens enjoy eating both the leaves and stems of cilantro.

Cilantro Basics

One of the world's most popular spices with a zesty, citrus flavor. It’s a fast-growing and easy-to-grow tender herb from the carrot family. Cilantro is the actual leaves of the plant, while Coriander refers to the two Cilantro seeds that are actually encased in the husk. Cilantro has a short life cycle and bolts quickly to produce its seeds in hot weather, so succession sowing of 2-3 weeks is recommended for a continued supply.


Starting Cilantro from Seed

Seed Longevity:                               Five years.

Seed Sowing Depth:                        1/4” to 1/2” deep.

Best Soil Temp for Germination:      55 – 65 degrees.

Days to Germination                        7-10.

Seed Spacing:                                 At 2-3” tall thin to 5” apart.

Spring Sowing

Start seeds indoors 2 weeks before the last frost date to plant out after the danger of frost has passed.

Direct Sowing

After the threat of frost has passed and every three weeks until Fall.

Fall Sowing

In warmer areas, direct sow in summer for a fall harvest.

milk jug as winter sown container with seeds

Winter Sowing

If you haven't tried winter sowing, you're in for a treat. This method is especially good for sowing herbs. Winter sowing is basically sowing seeds in the bottom of a milk jug in the winter, setting the milk jugs outside for the winter and leaving them there until the seeds germinate in the Spring.

For a detailed blog about Winter Sowing, click here.

To watch our 30 minute video on how to winter sow, click here.

Other Sowing Tips

  • Cilantro reseeds easily, so give it a place in your garden to do so. 
  • Cilantro will bolt quickly in hot weather.

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Growing Cilantro

Plant Size:                            Height 18-24"     Width to 18"

Soil Temperature:                 50 - 75 degrees.

Spacing in Beds:                  6-8"

Container Size:                    8-10" deep and 18" wide

Soil:                                     Well draining.

Watering:                            Dry soil causes the plant to bolt.

Light/Sun:                           For seeds, full sun. For leaves, light shade.

Fertilizer:                             Avoid fertilizer if growing for seed since that may actually delay 


Other Care Tips

  • For a continuous supply, make succession sowings every three weeks.
  • Snip off the top part of the main stem as soon as it develops flower buds or seed pods.

Harvesting Cilantro Leaves

Leaves can be cut at any time. Use the upper newly-cut leaves for cooking.

Harvesting Coriander Seeds

Harvest large seeds on a dry day. Cut off the top of stems when the seed pods begin to turn brown and crack if pressed. Place seed pods in a paper bag and let dry. Pods can be rolled around in between your fingers to release the seeds.

Storing Cilantro

Bouquet Storage

This method works well for tender herbs with soft stems and leaves.

Clean and thoroughly dry the Cilantro. Trim the ends of the stems and remove any wilted or browned leaves. Place Cilantro in a Mason jar or clear glass with 1" of water like a bouquet of flowers. Loosely cover with a plastic bag or cling wrap. Label and store in the fridge.

Cilantro will stay fresh in the fridge with this method for up to 3 weeks.


For best results, use frozen Cilantro within 1 to 2 years.  By freezing herbs, you will lose some of the herb's texture but preserve the flavor.

Here are some methods for freezing:

Tray Freeze

Spread the Cilantro onto a cookie sheet on a single layer. Freeze in the freezer, then transfer the herbs into a labeled freezer bag to store. Since the leaves are frozen separately, you can easily remove the amount you need.

Ice Cube Trays

Clean and thoroughly dry the Cilantro. Mince and firmly pack herbs into ice cube trays 3/4 full. Add water to fill and freeze. Transfer frozen cubes into a labeled freezer bag to store.


Flat Freezer Bag

Clean and thoroughly dry the Cilantro. Chop herbs into 1/2" pieces, place in a labeled freezer bag. Squeeze out the air, lay flat and freeze.


Cilantro does not dry well.

Using Cilantro

  • In omelets.
  • A staple in Latin and Asian cooking. The sweet stems are usually eaten raw.
  • Use fresh whenever possible.
  • Sprinkle raw Cilantro on salads or salsas.
  • The seeds are mildly spicy. Good for casseroles and baked goods.
  • Also adds a nice aroma to the kitchen!

Growing your own herbs is fun, easy, more healthy than the herbs shipped to grocery stores, and what's best, saves you tons of money!  Try it today.


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