The Beauty of Mini Hostas

The Beauty of Miniature Hostas!

Mini hostas, whether they're the adorable mouse-ear types or the dainty leafed varieties, they always get noticed.   Minis are well suited for any type of mini to small garden, be it rock garden, fairy garden or mini garden collections.

Hostas are categorized by their height as follows:

Miniature       Less than 8" tall

Small             9" - 14" tall

Medium         15" - 22" tall

Large             23" - 29"

Very Large     30" +

Mighty Mouse hosta in mini purple watering can

Mighty Mouse Hosta

Miniature hostas come in the same variety of colors, blooms and leaf shapes as the larger hostas do. Some are sun tolerant; some slug resistant. Besides being darn cute, there are many benefits to adding mini and small hostas to your garden scheme.

Here are a few:

  • They don't take up much space. Easy to fit into even the busiest of garden schemes.
  • They don't require the extensive planning for placement that larger hostas do.
  • They don't need frequent dividing like the large ones. Most of the mini and small hostas can be easily divided once dug up with a slight tug of the roots.
  • They grow slowly, so you can keep them in the same spot for several years. 
  • They can be easily raised to eye level for a cute, eye-catching focal point.
  • You can tuck a bunch of minis under a specimen plant for a great underpinning.
  • They're ideally suited for containers be that terra cotta planters, hypertufa planters or strawberry pots to name a few.
  • They're fun. You can create mini landscapes in just about any type of container.

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Blue Mouse Ears Hosta in hypertufa container

Blue Mouse Ears Hosta

Mature Size: Mini Height 8” Width up to 19”

2008 Hosta of the Year for good reason! The medium blue/green mouse ear shape of the leaves is nothing short of adorable! Outstanding lavender to white lily-like flowers atop graceful stalks. Also slug resistant. A must-have for any mini hosta garden.

Green Mouse Ears Hosta in Pot

Green Mouse Ears Hosta

Mature Size:   Mini   Height: 8"    Width up to 19"

Green Mouse Ears is a cute little sport of 'Blue Mouse Ears'. Green Mouse Ears forms a mound of medium to dark green cupped leaves of good substance. Pale purple flowers rise above the upright leaves in the summer. Also slug resistant. Very cute!

Mighty Mouse Hosta

Mighty Mouse Hosta

Mature Size:   Mini     Height: 8"   Width up to 19"

A sport of H 'Blue Mouse Ears', this charmer boasts thick round variegated leaves with a creamy margin. It will attract hummingbirds in late spring with its short spikes of dark lavender flowers. Cute! A must-have for any mouse-ear collector.

Hush Puppie hostas in rock garden

Hush Puppie Hosta

Mature Size:   Mini     Height: 7"  Width up to 15"

Hush Puppie is the perfect border or edging plant because of its vigorous growth rate and smaller size. It has cute twisted dark green leaves with white creamy edges. It blooms purple in early summer. Great for fairy gardens, rock gardens, and troughs and especially cute when planted en masse.


Some great hostas in the small category are:

Friends Hosta

Friends Hosta

Mature Size:  Small    Height: 9"  Width up to 24"

Friends grow into a small mound of rippled gold foliage. The tips of the leaves are slightly twisted. The leaves will brighten to yellow by mid-summer. It's a reliable, fast grower. Displays lavender to white throats in late summer. Looks great in groups and in the front of a hosta bed. Small and very cute.

Rain Forest Sunrise Hosta

Rain Forest Sunrise Hosta

Mature Size:   Small  Height: 10" Width up to 35"

This sport of H 'Maui Buttercups' emerges with light green leaves that quickly develop dark green margins. The leaves are cupped and puckered with great substance. It was awarded the 2013 Hosta of the Year for good reason. Pictures don’t do this hosta justice.

Teaspoon Hosta

Teaspoon Hosta

Mature Size:   Small   Height: 11"  Width to 24"

Teaspoon is an excellent choice to show off in front of a shady garden. The leaves are medium green, slightly corrugated and form a dense mound of cupped, upward-facing foliage. Pale lavender flowers show up in summer. A very pretty small green hosta that is sun tolerant.

Amber Tiara Hosta

Amber Tiara Hosta

Mature Size:   Small   Height: 12"   Width to 20"

Amber Tiara has thick chartreuse oval-shaped leaves with a blunt tip. It forms an attractive dense mound. The flowers are light purple on 22” scapes in late summer. Give this Tiara more sun for its best color.

Platinum Tiara Hosta

Platinum Tiara Hosta

Mature Size: Small   Height 12"   Width to 30"

Platinum Tiara Hosta is a white margined sport of H ‘Golden Scepter’. The small, roundish leaf is a pale green gold with a white edge and some light streaking throughout. This is a tremendous grower and looks great en mass.

White Feather Hosta


No matter how you use them, these popular mini and small hostas will give you many years of garden pleasure!


Have You Tried Winter Sowing??

If you haven't tried winter sowing, you're in for a treat.  This method is especially good for sowing herbs.  Winter sowing is basically sowing seeds in the bottom of milk jugs in the winter, setting the milk jugs outside for the winter and leaving them there until the seeds germinate in the Spring.

For our article containing detailed information about Winter Sowing, click here.

To watch our 30 minute video on how to winter sow, click here.

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