Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Winter Sowing 101



What is it and Why is it So Popular?

In a nutshell, winter sowing, or winter seed sowing, is sowing seeds indoors in the winter in mini greenhouse-like containers, like milk jugs or other recycled containers, and setting the containers outside in the winter elements until Mother Nature germinates the seeds in the spring.  That basically is the winter sowing method.


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GenAcres, a multi-generational homestead

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Whether your homestead is deep in the country or in an urban setting, you'll find helpful articles here!

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Growing Herbs for Chickens! Basil.




Chicken feed isn't cheep! Luckily, there are some ways you can reduce your bagged chicken feed bill.

Feeding your hens food scraps from your leftover meals is certainly one. But for putting a bigger dent in that feed bill, grow some healthy feed alternatives right there in your backyard or homestead.

Herbs are a wonderful choice to grow for your chickens. Not only do chickens like to eat many different herbs, but most herbs have some other uses you may want to try in the chicken coop and run.

Why Feed Chickens Basil?

  • Basil is a nutritionally-dense herb that is high in plant protein.

  • Basil has antibacterial properties and a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and immune system boosting antioxidants.

  • Basil supports a strong immune system and aids in improving digestion, which is very important for chicken health.

  • Basil promotes mucus membrane and respiratory system health.  This is important for chickens because they are particularly susceptible to respiratory issues, especially if the chicken run and coop aren’t large enough and/or aren’t cleaned often. 

  • Add some crushed Basil to your chicken feed and watch their egg yolks turn a radiant orange.

  • Basil contains vitamins A, B, C, and K which help maintain good eyesight and strong bones.

How to Prepare Basil for Chickens

Add fresh, chopped basil to chicken feed.
Hang a gathering of fresh basil in reach of chickens to peck at.

How Much Basil is Safe for Chickens to Ingest?

As with all chicken feed alternatives, begin by feeding in moderation. Your chickens will let you know which alternatives are their favorites!

Other Uses for Basil Besides For Food

Pests don’t like aromatic herbs, so adding Aasil throughout your chicken coops keeps many pests away.

In the nesting box, dried Basil acts as a pleasant odor control.

Where to Grow Basil

You can grow some herbs like Basil inside your chicken run by sowing seeds inside a wire fence circle like the above picture. It will keep your chickens from digging the plants right out of the ground until it's time to remove the fencing and let them feast!

Herbs are great plants to grow in pots and containers which can easily be moved right into the chicken run when ready to feed.

You can also designate a few raised garden beds for growing great food for your chickens so there's always some healthy foods available to toss in and watch the show!

Quick Tip

Some herbs will spoil very quickly, especially in summer, so be sure to refresh them every three days to really harness their goodness.

When you add herbs to other chicken food, you're assuring your chickens to maintain better overall health.

So save money on that ever-rising cost of chicken feed and grow some healthy alternatives for your hens and roosters.
 They will love you for it!


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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Use of Epsom Salt on Hostas

Bressingham Blue Hosta Powdery Blue Leaves

Use of Epsom Salt on Hostas!

Hostas continue to be one of the most popular perennials in shady and party shady gardens. It's no wonder. Hostas are easy to grow and care for, they don't require a lot of special attention and they come in a vast array of sizes, shapes, and great leaf colors.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Sun's Effect on Blue-Leafed Hostas

Closeup of Blue Hawaii Hosta's blue leaves

The Sun's Effect on Blue Hostas

Blue hostas require the most protection from the sun because the blue color is actually a waxy coating on the top and or bottom side of the leaves. The leaves are actually a shade of green, but the waxy coating makes them appear those great shades of blue.

Too much sun can cause the waxy coating on blue hosta leaves to melt off and expose the green leaf underneath. This is the reason it is recommended that blue hostas are planted in more shade than other hostas.

The blue hostas are always very popular and there are several shades of blue-leaved hostas. Blue hosta leaves will become bluer and bluer each year as they move to maturity, usually about four to five years. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Growing Endive - Homesteading 101

aka Frisee
Annual Plant related to Chickory
Height:  6-12"       Width:  6-12"
Endive and Escarole are different forms of the same plant.  Endive has curly or crinkly-edged leaves and a sharp, somewhat bitter taste.  Escarole is a type of Endive which is hardier with flat, somewhat thicker leaves and a less bitter flavor.

- Curled Endive with pointy leaves.
- Smoother-leafed Escarole

Starting Seeds of Endive/Escarole

Seed Depth:                   1/4" deep.
Seed Spacing:                3 seeds per inch.
Days to Germinate:         5-7 days.
Days to Harvest:             45 days as baby greens.  60-100 days as mature heads.
Seed Longevity:              4-6 years.

Sowing Indoors:
Spring:  Sow 8 weeks before your average last frost date.

Sowing Outdoors:

Spring:  Direct sow as soon as the ground can be worked.

Fall:  Direct sow 15 weeks before the first expected frost date.

Salad Spinner

Winter Sowing:

If you haven't tried winter sowing, you're in for a treat.  This method is especially good for sowing herbs and greens.  Winter sowing is basically sowing seeds in the bottom of a milk jug during the winter, setting the milk jugs outside for the winter and leaving them there until the seeds germinate in Spring.
For our detailed article about winter sowing, click here.

Salad Tongs

Growing Endive/Escarole Plants

Growing Temperature:       Can take temperatures as low as 20 degrees.
Plant Spacing:                   8-12".
Container Size:                  12" deep.
Sun/Shade:                        Full sun to part shade.
Soil:                                   In poorer soils, add fish emulsion or seaweed.
Watering:                          Consistent moisture for best flavor.
                                          Light moisture when grown in a cold frame.

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Since greens are such a fast-growing crop, as long as they are grown in rich soil there may be little need for further fertilization. That said, a liquid balanced fertilizer when the seedlings are 4" tall will give your greens a boost and carry them through their short season. After the temperatures warm, though, the leaves of Endive will turn bitter and no amount of fertilizer will help at that point.

Salad Lunch Container

Growing Tips

Looseleaf varieties can survive winter if given some sort of protection like an unheated greenhouse.  If you leave undamaged roots and 1 inch of stem, new growth may appear in warmer weather.
Fall plants that are subjected to a few light touches of frost have a richer, less bitter flavor than spring-grown plants.

Harvesting Endive/Escarole

Harvest as soon as the outer leaves are of usable size.  Gather leaves as needed or cut the whole plant at the soil level.   Harvest all before the first frost.

Using Endive/Escarole

  • Leaves are best used fresh.
  • Endive begins to turn pale green and taste bitter when exposed to light.

Storing Endive/Escarole For Later Use

Although tender green leaves, like Lettuce, can't be preserved well, the thicker leaved greens can be.


  • Clean and pat dry.  Bundle stems lightly, place on a paper towel (to absorb moisture) and wrap in a plastic bag.  Keeps in refrigerator for 10 days.

Freezing for Later Use in Chilis, Soups, Sauces, and Casseroles.
  • Steam or saute' leaves, chop them and store in freezer bags.
  • Puree with water and freeze into ice cube trays.
  • Clean and dry the leaves and store in quart size freezer bags.
  • Frozen leaves will keep for 6 months.
  • Blanching the leaves first will extend freezer storage to 14 months.

To read the other articles in our Growing Your Greens series, click on the name below:

Swiss Chard

Where to go next!

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Monday, August 5, 2024

Growing Hostas from Seed


Growing Hostas From Seed

So you're wondering, can I grow a hosta from seed? Growing hostas from seed is a tricky endeavor, but if you have patience and keep a few things in mind, it can be worth your time.

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