Growing Greens for your Chickens!


 Growing Greens for your Chickens!

According to recent studies, chickens who are fed a diet rich in greens lay eggs that are significantly higher in nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. This has led to a growing trend among backyard chicken owners to incorporate greenery into their poultry's diet. 

When it comes to greens, variety is key.  You should offer a mix of different greens to ensure your chickens get a wide range of nutrients.  Stick to greens specifically identified as safe for chickens, avoiding toxic plants like nightshade or hemlock.

If possible, allow chickens to freely graze on a dedicated patch of greens.

Greens to grow for your chickens:  Click on the links below for specifics.

Grow These Greens for Your Chickens:

Swiss Chard


In conclusion, growing greens for chickens is not only a sustainable and cost-effective way to supplement their diets, but also a rewarding and enjoyable experience for chicken owners. 

From the benefits of fresh nutrients for your flock to reducing overall feed costs, incorporating greens into your chickens' diet can have a positive impact on both their health and your wallet.

Did you know you can winter sow your greens? Read below!


Winter Sowing:

If you haven't tried winter sowing, you're in for a treat. This method is especially good for sowing herbs and greens. Winter sowing is basically sowing seeds in the bottom of a milk jug during the winter, setting the milk jugs outside for the winter and leaving them there until the seeds germinate in Spring.

For more detailed information about Winter Sowing, click here.

To watch our 30 minute video on how to winter sow, click here.


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