When is it Time to Divide my Hosta?


Hosta with ground dug around it ready to divide

When is it Time to Divide my Hosta?

Hostas continue to be one of the most popular and easy-to-care-for perennials in Zone 3 through 8 gardens.  It's no secret that many gardeners want to divide their hostas to spread the hosta love around their own garden or to share divisions with other hosta lovers.

Because hostas are such a tough plant, you can divide them in spring, summer and fall, and dividing hostas in each season is explained more fully later.

Hosta with Center Die-Out

However, there are times where a hosta plant will tell you it needs to be divided.

Hostas are a long-living perennial, and over time, the center of the plant may begin to die out. This is commonly referred to as center die-out, clump die-back or fairy ring. The later is a whimsical nickname given where the problem is said to result from fairies dancing in the middle of the plant.

Hostas put on most of their new growth on the outside of the clump each year. After several years, the dead growth from past years will accumulate in the center.

Also, a lack of water through the season is another reason that the middle buds will start to die out.  Crowns and roots can also be damaged and rot due to the heaving up and exposure of the crowns over the winter.


Spring is the perfect time to do a yearly check on your more mature hostas to see which plants are missing some or all of the pips in the middle of the plant. That's when you know it's time to divide that hosta.

Which hostas are more susceptible?

Since the center die-out takes some years to develop, it is often the older and more established hostas that are affected. Also, fast-growing hostas that reach their maturity faster can fall prey to this problem more often.


Dividing and Curing Center Die-Out

Dividing the plant is the best way to cure the problem. Dig up the entire plant, separate it into as many pieces as you'd like leaving good healthy roots on each piece. 

Dispose of the dead or rotted center parts. If the center of the hosta has actually rotted, soak the divided healthy parts in a mild solution of bleach (10% to water) before you replant.

This division also serves to stimulate new buds and new growth. Replant the healthy pieces.

Spring, Summer and Fall

Hostas can safely be divided any time the ground is workable, however the summer months can be rough on the divisions so more attention, water and shade will be needed. Most gardeners prefer to divide their hostas in the Spring and Fall for that reason.

Here are the advantages and disadvantages of dividing hostas in each of those three seasons:

hostas buds coming up in spring


Spring is the best time to divide fast-growing hostas, specifically as soon as the eyes are popping up but before the leaves unfurl. This is usually a two-week window. Fast-growing hostas recover quickly from division. 

It is advisable to only divide non fast-growing hostas in thirds or quarters if doing this in the spring.


Hostas can be divided in the summer months, but much more care needs to be taken to be sure you don't stress the plant or divisions. Water well and shade the planted divisions for at least a week until the divisions are well established. Keep a close eye on the divisions.  



Fall is a great time for division. The hostas need for water is not as great now. In northern climates, that is September, in the southern, October.

Hostas will frequently throw up a small flush of leaves as the temperatures moderate from the summer heat in July, especially if it has been rainy.

Dividing them at least 30 days before the first expected frost date takes advantage of this growth spurt as well as giving the hosta divisions time to settle into their new home before their winter sleep.

How to Prevent Hosta Center Die-Out

  • Divide fast-growing hostas every five years. 
  • Hostas LOVE water. Give them plenty during the season, especially during the dry, hot months and even into the Fall if there's a lack of rain.
  • Apply mulch in the Fall season to prevent roots from heaving up during the winter which can cause the roots to rot.

  • Bulb Planter

Other Tips for Dividing Hostas

  • Sterilize your tools with a 10% bleach to 90% water solution to prevent transferring any diseases from hosta to hosta. 
  • Divide them on a shady day. 
  • The leaves can be tied back gently with string at the base of the plant, or cut down to a few inches from the base. 
  • Water frequently for the first few weeks. 
  • If planted in a sunny location, it's a good idea to shade your new divisions from the sun for the first week using a folded piece of cardboard, umbrella, etc, anything that gives some respite from the direct sun as they adjust to their new location.

So that's it.  Hostas will provide you with those beautiful, healthy leaves for years on end with very little care and maintenance.  


Where to go next!

Kneeling Pad for Gardeners

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