All About Hostas -- Hostas 101

Grouping of Hosta Buds in early spring

Ultimate Guide to Growing Hostas

Hostas (plantain lilies) are hardy herbaceous perennials that grow well in Zones 3 through 8, with some that can tolerate the heat of Zone 9. 

It's no surprise they continue to be one of the most popular perennials for shade gardens. Their beauty, toughness, and ease of care make them well suited for a shady or partly shady area and they will quickly become even a new gardener's favorite plant! 

Canning - Why Headspace is So Important


Why is headspace so important?

So first, what is headspace? 

Headspace is the space at the top of the canning jar between the underside of the lid and the top of the food or liquid in the jar. 

Growing Chives - Homesteading 101

Chives on a table

Growing Your Own Chives

Chives are a tender herb with soft stems and leaves.  It’s one of the easiest perennial herbs to grow in Zones 3 – 9 and one of the earliest plants to appear in the spring. They produce lovely fuzzy flowers in pink and purple.   They are a special treat for those first-of-the-year salads.  

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