Hori Hori Knife - Why You Need One!


Hori Hori Knives and Why Every Gardener Needs One

While the Hori Hori knife has been around for quite a while, with its beginnings from Japan,  it has recently just caught the attention of many gardeners because of the knife's strong build and versatility of garden uses. 

When and How to Divide Hostas

Garden corner filled with Guacamole Hosta plants

When and How to Divide your Hosta

Whether you want to divide your hostas for the healthy of the plants or to increase the hosta love around your garden, dividing a hosta is easy to do once you're familiar with the timing and some basic steps.

What Are Sun Tolerant Hostas?

Hosta Leaves in the Sun with Rain Drops on Leaves

What are Sun Tolerant Hostas?

One of the most common questions I hear about hostas is, can hostas handle sun?  

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