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Showing posts from June 25, 2023

How to Compost

Composting 101 A Little Art and a Little Science Composting, in a nutshell, is turning your waste into nutrient-rich soil for use in your garden. You can read about the subject in such depth as to make your head swim and find it to be quite overwhelming. But whether you start with a compost bin or a designated 3 foot by 3-foot area, knowing a few basic principles will help you achieve that rich, earthy-smelling soil amendment that we all want.

Sow Onion Seeds!

Give Your Onion Seedlings a Haircut! If there's one crop that I love to grow indoors from seed, it's onions. Of course you can buy sets from your local hardware store or nursery, but there are usually only a few varieties available. So not only do I have a larger selection of onion types to choose from if I buy the seeds online and grow them myself, but I can start them earlier indoors and give them plenty of time to grow before they get planted out.