Make Your Own Potting Soil and Save Money!

Make your own Potting Soil
and Save Money!

Although commercial bagged potting soils have the advantage of being convenient and disease-free, the expense of it alone, especially for a large garden, can make learning to make your own potting mix a very valuable endeavor. 

Slugs and Hostas


Battling Slugs on Hostas

Hostas are one of the most maintenance-free perennials you can grow.  But they do have one nemesis -- Slugs!  They love hostas and can be a problem over the entire season if the slug problem is left unresolved.

The Hosta Tiara Series


They're small, cute and they will brighten up your garden!

At last count, there are more than 35 different hostas in the Tiara series. 

Tiaras are popular for so many reasons.   Here's just a few:

  • Easy to Grow
  • Mass Plantings (They have a medium to vigorous growth rate.)
  • Great for containers or tubs (They're just the right size.)
  • Border Edging (Their thick leaves form a dense mound.)
  • Ground Cover (The foliage remains low and dense right to the ground.)
  • Bedding Plant (Plant Tiaras 20” apart for bedding plants.)
  • Tolerate a wide range of soil types
  • Established plants are more tolerable of dry shade

Here at Sunset Hosta Farm, we grow and sell the Tiara hostas that we feel are the best. And because they're tried and true, they are also some of the most popular.

Click on the name for more photos and information.

Size: Small   Height: 12” Width up to 20”

Amber Tiara has thick chartreuse oval-shaped leaves with a blunt tip. It forms an attractive dense mound. The flowers are light purple on 22” scapes in late summer. Give this Tiara more sun for its best color.

Size: Medium    Height 14” Width up to 24”

Emerald Tiara is the reverse mutation of H. 'Golden Tiara.' It emerges early in the season and boasts the same round textured oval leaves as other Tiaras but with gold centers with beautiful green variations appearing throughout the season. 

One of its best features is that it will sport hundreds of dark lavender flowers in the summer that bloom into the fall. Very cute. Sun tolerant, too.

Size: Medium     Height 16” Width: Up to 30

Golden Tiara is a medium-size mounding variety. It has chartreuse to gold margin surrounding a medium green center.  Medium to deep purple flowers appear in late July. It’s sun tolerant and will brighten up any shady area. 

Looks great in wide shallow containers. 1996 Hosta Merit Award winner.

Size: Medium     Height: 18: Width up to 44”

The leaves of Grand Tiara are thick, heart-shaped, ovate and wavy. The gold margin is much wider than 'Golden Tiara' which gives the effect of a golden yellow leaf with a center splash of green. Good sun tolerance. The morning sun enhances the leaf color. 

In summer, the clumps are literally smothered with scapes of purple flowers making it one of the most popular Tiaras.

Size: Small     Height 12” Width up to 30”

Platinum Tiara Hosta is a white margined sport of H ‘Golden Scepter’. The small, roundish leaf is a pale green-gold with a white edge and some light streaking throughout. 

This is a tremendous grower and looks great in masses. A real charmer and a Sunset Hosta Farm favorite.



No matter which Tiara hosta you choose, it is sure to brighten up your shade garden!

Love hostas or know someone who does?

Visit our website for great hostas at an affordable price!

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